by Robert Short, Student Services Manager, Guidance Aviation, Email Robert at [email protected] .Offices: 877-235-9444 (gr)
Financing flight training can be daunting. Whether you are pursuing a career as a Helicopter pilot, Airplane pilot, UAV pilot, Flight Dispatcher or Airport Manager, you have a number of financing options and loan programs to review when it comes to financing flight training. As an enrollment specialist and as team manager of Student Services, that’s what I do every day — the cumbersome paperwork. I am here to help you through the application and enrollment process. Instead of talking about all the options, let’s focus on one today: The Parent Plus Loan. And remember, don’t hesitate to contact me at any time.
– Robert Short, Student Services Manager, Toll Free: 877-235-9444 .
PLUS loans are federal loans that graduate or professional degree students and parents of dependent undergraduate students can use to help pay education expenses. The U.S. Department of Education makes Direct PLUS Loans to eligible borrowers through schools participating in the Direct Loan Program.
Here’s a quick overview of Direct PLUS Loans:
- The U.S. Department of Education is the lender.
- The borrower must not have an adverse credit history.
- Loans have a fixed interest rate of 7.9%.
- The maximum loan amount is the student’s cost of attendance (determined by the school) minus any other financial aid received.
- Info above from:
Are you eligible for a PLUS loan? To receive a Direct PLUS Loan, you must:
- Be a graduate or professional degree student enrolled at least half-time at an eligible school in a program leading to a degree or certificate, or be the parent (biological, adoptive, or in some cases, stepparent) of a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least half-time at a participating school;
- meet the general eligibility requirements for federal student aid. If you are borrowing on behalf of your child, your child must also meet these requirements.
- Info above from:
General Eligibility Requirements
- Our general eligibility requirements include that you have financial need, are a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, be enrolled in an eligible degree or certificate program at your college or career school, and more. Make sure you’re familiar with our basic eligibility criteria, and ask a college financial aid office if you have any questions about whether you qualify.
Students with intellectual disabilities may receive funding from the Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Federal Work-Study programs in certain circumstances.
NOTE: ALL of this info was taken from the Student Aid .gov site and can be viewed at:
Need more information, contact us directly in Student Services at Guidance Aviation.
Toll free: 877-235-9444
Email Robert Short, Manager, Student Services at: [email protected]
Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to or