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Helicopter Flight Training Profiles: Always A Marine

Helicopter Flight Training Using GI Bill Benefits to Become a Professional Helicopter Pilot

[CAREER UPDATE: 02-15-15: CJ has just announced he has landed a job and will begin flying professionally (outside of Guidance) in March, 2015. Congrats CJ!!]  James (CJ) Schneider III is a CFI, CFI-I for both Helicopter and Fixed Wing. He works for Guidance Aviation in Student Services as a Military Representative to help incoming veterans transition into the helicopter flight training program, using their Post 9//11 GI Bill benefits, as easily as possible.  He is also a working, Certified Flight Instructor (CFI-I), helicopters.

helicopter flight training using GI Bill benefits

“I am and will always be a United States Marine having served a four year term.  I found Guidance Aviation in a flying magazine, while I was on active duty in the Pentagon in Washington DC back in 2010. I went from a blood pumping infantry position in the Marine Corps to sitting behind a desk wasting my days away drinking coffee and pushing paper.  I knew this was not for me. I needed a thrill and something that was going to get my adrenaline pumping everyday. After watching the videos on the Guidance website, I HAD FOUND IT!

Two years later, I have an Associate of Applied Science Degree that says that I have completed one of the most Rigorous, high altitude, Helicopter flight program’s in the United States. I AM a Professional Helicopter Pilot and have the degree to show it. With the help of the Post 9-11 GI-Bill and the skills I learned in the Marine Corps, I was able to successfully complete this program.
I love what I do, it’s just that simple. I love that I get to spend the rest of my working life being able to see parts of this world from a view that most will never experience in a life time.  I now fly as a professional helicopter flight instructor for Guidance Aviation in Baton Rouge, Lousiana.”
-James “CJ” Schneider III, CFI-I, Rotorcraft, Airplanes, US Marine Veteran

US GI Bill Benefits for Helicopter Flight Training Video: CJ Schneider III, CFI-I


Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to

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