We hope to see you at the Arizona State Capitol, for the eighth annual Arizona Aviation Day! Our staff will be meeting with State Legislators and other Aviation organizations from Arizona. For more info, see below.
The eighth annual Aviation Day at the Capitol is scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2013. The event will be held from 11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. on the grounds of the State Capital. This premier event is a state wide industry opportunity to promote the variety and vitality of aviation in Arizona and to meet with State legislators personally and individually. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Event Chairman Jennifer Maples at (602) 273-4014 .
Event Website: http://www.azaviationday.org
Guidance Aviation: www.guidance.aero
Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to http://www.guidance.aero or http://www.guidancehelicopters.com