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Helicopter Flight Training and A Family Living The Dream

by Sharon Vickers, Guidance Helicopters Alumni
Sharon Vickers has left the EC135 for Oil & Gas side of PHI and is now flying the BK117 for the PHI Air Medical Group on contract with Ochsner Flight Care New Orleans. Here is a photo from my first solo landing at the Ochsner Hospital Helipad.
I cannot begin tell you how much fun it is to finally get to use a lot of the skills I learned at Guidance Helicopters again with my confined area training. We sure do a lot of pinnacles offshore, but now I am really being tested with the confined areas again.
Mike Vickers is still loving his Coast Guard Dolphin. We really know we owe so much to our training at Guidance Helicopters.
We both agree our training at Guidance went above and beyond our Naval Flight Training. Guidance Helicopters really prepared us for the real world of flying. There is nothing like a good foundation to set you up for success!


For more information on professional helicopter flight training and fixed wing flight training,
contact Guidance Aviation at 928-443-9370.

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Related Links:
Guidance Helicopters
Guidance Aviation
Wing and Rotor Newsletter July 2011

Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to or

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