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Garmin Avionics Seminar, Lakefront Airport (KNEW) New Orleans, Louisiana

Avionics Seminar – Garmin and ADS-B

garmin avionics louisianaAuric Avionics & Instruments will be hosting a Garmin Avionics Seminar on Thursday January 23, 2014, at 1800 hours, at Flightline First FBO, 6101 G. Bellanca Street, Lakefront Airport (KNEW), New Orleans, LA 70126. Drive or fly in…refreshments will be served.

Join the seminar for a great discussion on what the future holds for ADS-B and how it will affect you and how you can benefit from it. Discussions will also focus on how the GNS and GTN series navigators will incorporate this new technology as well as current product and future product discussions.

RSVP:  504.245.0072 or Email at [email protected]


flightline first fbo

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