Enjoy and click on the pics to enlarge.
Once again, the weather was perfect in Prescott for BBQ-ing and flying.
John Stonecipher, CEO, Guidance Aviation hands check to Dr. Penelope Wills, Yavapai College and establishes The Guidance Scholarship for flight training students in financial need.
Family, friends and future helicopter and airplane pilots.
Dad, pilot, cowboy 🙂
Helicopter pilots and ladies. 🙂
Helicopter pilots and ladies. 🙂
“The Thinker”
Our friend, Bobby Fields of the Prescott Veterans Center.
Chris Horton of Guidance Aviation and a future fixed wing pilot in the Piper Sport Light Sport Aircraft.
You look good in them there suspenders Mr. Horton!
Helicopter flight training students at Guidance Aviation getting their wings!
More graduates of Guidance Aviation Helicopter Academy!
Great job guys.
Buddies hanging out waiting for the food to arrive.
Council Woman Suttles in front of the Piper Sport LSA.
PIC of the DAY, click to enlarge, do you see what we see?
No other kid in this little guy’s class is going to beat this “Show and Tell” pic. He’s hooked on helicopters for sure!
VIPS in front of the Guidance Aviation Cirrus SR20.
Guidance Aviation’s CEO, John Stonecipher with President Wills, Yavapai College going for a ride in a Robinson R44.
Of course, people were sneaking in to take flight in the Red Bird Motion Flight Simulator at Guidance Aviation during the BBQ.
Rainbows and Rotors.
More rainbows, rotors, student helicopter pilots and instructor pilots.
Ride the motorcyle to school, then fly helicopters for class. Nice.
Guidance Aviation’s maintenance facility, “Prescott Wing and Rotor”, getting one of the Robinson R44’s ready for the BBQ.
You don’t go anywhere without these pros. 🙂