To facilitate the paving of the shoulders of Runway 3R/21L, there will be days over the next 4 weeks that the runway will be unavailable from 0730L to 1430L. This is to accommodate larger aircraft and/or aircraft in distress that require the larger runway. The first day this will be effective is Tuesday 11/6/2012. We will do our best to keep you notified of the additional days 3R/21L will be unavailable. If you and your aircraft need 3R/21L on one of the days the unavailability is scheduled, please contact Airport Operations at 928/777-1150 with as much advance notice as possible. Airport operations will coordinate with the Air Traffic Control Tower and the contractor.
Thank you for your continued patience as we progress towards the completion of this project.
Prescott Municipal Airport Administration
6546 Crystal Lane
Prescott, AZ 86301
[email protected]